onsdag den 30. september 2009

Franske Forbindelser

Fantastisk coffeetablebook, og så er det vores terrasse der er kommet på forsiden......
Beautiful cofeetable book, from 15 different houses in france owned by danes and with a lot of inspiration. And then it is our terrace that is on the frontpage.

2 kommentarer:

Rumour has it sagde ...

Hello and bonjour! :)
thank you very much for your kind visit, I appreciate it.
I wonder if this is the same book as I have, since the cover is a bit different (I bought mine last year through gyldendal.no). I do love France as well and I´ve lived there during 7 years.
Best regards from Belgium,

La Drome sagde ...

It is the same book, they have just made a new cover, to try to come out to another public. I do prefere the first book, but as it is my terrace on the new I shall not complaine.